APEV (Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles in Japan)
announced change schedule of "EV Super Micro Mobility Design Contest" as follows.
Participation will be closed on May 8 2013, therefore students' teams
have time to enter this contest.
We contest committee are look forward to receiving your application!
[ Changed schedule ]
Official announcement :Tuesday, January 15 2013
Participation will be closed : Wednesday, May 8 2013
Deadline for the first round : Friday, June 28 2013
Result of the first round will come out : Wednesday, July 10 2013
Deadline for the final round : Friday, September 27 2013
The final result will be announced : Friday, October 11 2013
Conference at Tokyo Motor Shaw "SMART MOBILITY CITY": End of November 2013
You can download English version of "Project Overview" and "Entry Form"
from the link below.
Students' teams not only from Japan but also from all over the worlds
are very much welcomed to participate in this contest.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me by E-mail.
Gen Yasujima (Mr.)
Secretary -general of EV Design Contest committee
E-mail: contest@apev.jp