Selection Result"Create 2030 by new Mobility"International Workshop

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      "Create 2030 by New Mobility" Executive Committee 
      Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric 
Vehicles (APEV)

To whom it may concern:

 Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held an 
"EV Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 to 
In 2024, considering that participants are from Generation Z and 
addressing various societal issues such as global warming, the COVID-19 
pandemic, an aging society, digital transformation (DX), and green 
transformation (GX), we are hosting the 6th edition of the "Create 2030 
by New Mobility" International Workshop with a significantly updated 
program content. 
The application deadline was May 17, and we received entries from 13 
domestic teams and 5 international teams. 
After holding the selection meeting on May 29, we have decided that 12 
teams will advance to Workshop 1 (WS1), where they will further delve 
into the themes. 
The results of the selection meeting has sbeen separately announced to 
the representatives of the applicant teams.

*Workshop 1 (WS1) is scheduled to be held on Saturday, June 29, 2024, at 
the Fukutake Hall, University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus.

"Creating 2030 by New Mobility" International Workshop Official Website

We are currently seeking sponsoring companies and supporters. If you 
are interested, please contact us at the address provided at the end.

* The Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) is 
continuously recruiting members. Please feel free to contact the 
●Top Page
●Membership Information Page
  □Regular Member (for companies): Annual Fee of 100,000 yen per 
  □Supporter (for individuals): Annual Fee of 10,000 yen per share
  □Special Member (for government agencies and media): Free Annual 
■Inquiries: "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee 
Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
TEL: ∔81-50-3375-4937   E-mail:

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This page contains a single entry by WebMaster published on June 5, 2024 5:47 PM.

Pre-workshop report (with Video) ""Create 2030 by New Mobility" International Workshop was the previous entry in this blog.

Workshop 1 Information / Call for Supporters and Sponsors:"Create 2030 by new Mobility"International Workshop is the next entry in this blog.

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