Workshop 1 Information / Call for Supporters and Sponsors:"Create 2030 by new Mobility"International Workshop

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To whom it may concern:

 Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held an 
"EV Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 to 
In 2024, considering that participants are from Generation Z and 
addressing various societal issues such as global warming, the COVID-19 
pandemic, an aging society, digital transformation (DX), and green 
transformation (GX), we are hosting the 6th edition of the "Create 2030 
by New Mobility" International Workshop with a significantly updated 
program content. 

Workshop 1 (WS1) will be held with the teams that passed the selection 
process reported on June 5th.

The details have been decided, so we would like to inform you.

■Date and time: Saturday, June 29, 2024, 10:00 a.m. meeting (doors open),
 end by 6:00 p.m.

■Real venue: 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
 Fukutake Hall, University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in 
Information Studies

■Online (Zoom) participation is also possible

■Contents:(Subject to change without notice)
・Organizer self-introduction
・Participating team presentations: All teams will have 5 minutes to
 present their team's proposal.
・Lunch: Lunch boxes will be provided.
・Matching & teaming: The organizers will propose team composition.
・Message from the selection committee
・Workshop: Participants will be split into new teams and given time to
 dig deeper into their proposals.
  Supporters provided by the organizers will be with each team to give
・Announcement of workshop results: Each team will present what they
 discussed in the workshop and their future activities.
・Information provided: Mr. Akihiro Yanaka, founder of Lean Mobility Inc.
 <> , a Japanese venture company, will give a
・Summary: A review of the entire event and future plans will be 

■WS1 content description:
The selection committee will select the ideas that are in line with the 
purpose of the workshop and will hold Workshop 1 (WS1) on June 29th.
The participants will learn about other ideas, learn ways of thinking to 
materialize their ideas, and build teams to deepen their ideas with team 
members and supporters.
We will support activities that lead to Workshop 2 (WS2) and Workshop 3 
(WS3, final) that will be held in the future.

★Participation application★
The "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee is looking for 
Supporters will provide advice to participating students based on their 
own knowledge during WS1 to WS3*.
Please bear the cost of participating yourself.
*Note) WS2 is scheduled to be held at the end of August, and WS3 is 
scheduled to be held from mid- to late October in the Tokyo area.

If you are interested, please send the following email to <workshop@apev.
jp> by Wednesday, June 19th.

Email title: International WS Supporter
Content: Name, affiliated organization, and your knowledge of the 
International WS issue**Note (200 characters or less)
**Note: "Creating 2030 with Mobility" [X-City Proposal]

★Sponsorship wanted★
The "Create 2030 by new Mobility"Executive Committee is looking for 

Sponsorship package is here.(Japanese only)

Interested companies should send the following email to

If you would like to participate in WS1, please send us an email by 
Wednesday, June 19th.
Email title: Regarding sponsorship of the international WS
Content: Name, affiliated organization and department, purpose of 
sponsoring the international WS, (desire to participate in WS1)

We look forward to your cooperation and participation.

"Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee Secretariat
Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
  TEL: ∔81-50-3375-4937   E-mail:

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This page contains a single entry by WebMaster published on June 14, 2024 4:17 PM.

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Workshop 1 Report: "Create 2030 by new Mobility" International Workshop is the next entry in this blog.

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