February 2025 Archives

                      February 10, 2025
   Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV )
      " Create 2030 by new Mobility " Executive Committee

To whom it may concern:

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued 
cooperation with our activities.

Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held "EV 
Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 to 2022. 
In 2024, we hosted the 6th edition of the "Create 2030 by New Mobility" 
International Workshop with a significantly updated program content.
The final presentation and awards ceremony was held in November last 

We have edited the videos of the final presentations and award ceremony 
and added English subtitles to them. 
In addition, the participating teams have created promotional videos, 
which we also release to you.    

Anyone can watch these videos by clicking on the ★YouTube URL below.

◎For details with photos, click here

[Event Description]

□Date and time: 2024 November 9th ( Sat ) 13:00 - 17:00

□Venue : Fukutake Learning Theater, 2nd basement floor, Fukutake Hall, 
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo, 7-3
-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo

□Content and timetable
13:00 Opening remarks: APEV President Mr. Nobuhiro Tajima
13:04 Explanation of the International Workshop and introduction of the 
selection committee: Advisor Mr. Kimiya Mochizuki
13:13 Participating team presentations and Q&A: 6 teams x (5-minute 
presentations + Q&A)
15:03 Free talk by all participants (No video)
16:10 Awards Ceremony
16:50 Thank you speech: APEV Chairperson Mr. Masanori Suzuki
[ Video Table of Contents]

□ Opening remarks and explanation of the international workshop and 
introduction of the selection committee  ★ https://youtu.be/O_IdUH9PfKE

□Final presentation and Q&A
The six teams gave presentations in the order listed below, and after 
each presentation the participating teams answered questions and 
comments from the selection committee and supporters.
H.O.         ★ https://youtu.be/bJpi47n3xSs
KFYF          ★ https://youtu.be/tsw0c19Z0zo
Mother Earth  ★ https://youtu.be/f1ao9SHSY-4
Ten Q         ★ https://youtu.be/bQto7TG6-z8
NUOVA         ★ https://youtu.be/0_8o4A8MfaI
Svarna Pravah ★ https://youtu.be/GEjspM4FqrY

□ Award ceremony and thank you speech  ★ https://youtu.be/wCLdGYQPFyk
*The following awards were given to six teams, and the award recipients 
and presenters made comments.
 Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award: NUOVA
 Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award: HO
 Minister of Environment Award: Mother Earth
 Jury Special Award: KFYF
 Special Tourism Award: Svarna Pravah
 Regional Issue Special Award: Ten Q
*Thank you speech

□ Promotional videos created by participating teams
 Mother Earth  ★ https://youtu.be/7HASubOWfQc
 KFYF          ★ https://youtu.be/yydkL5fS7u4
 Svarna Pravah ★ https://youtu.be/rAfPe78fwbc

[Workshop Overview]

■Theme:Create 2030 by new mobility " [Proposal for X-City]

■Objective: "Develop integrated human resources who will lead the next 
Integrated human resources *= Opportunity to develop architects through 
*Refers to an individual with a solid vision and insightful perspective, 
extending beyond the expertise surrounding mobility to encompass design 
and engineering realms.
Acquire expertise regarding "Art/Design," "Philosophy," and "Technology,
" while also understanding "Sustainability & Human Society."
It is defined as an individual with comprehensive skills who integrates 
various fields and establishes a platform for project cooperation

■ Proposal to solve social issues in X-City
Applicants define a city (=X-City) and identify its social issues.
City Definition: Either of land, sea, and air domains. It can refer to 
specific cities such as Yokohama and Nagoya, residential areas, as well 
as agricultural and fishing zones.

Minister of the Environment Award: 100,000 yen + Certificate
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award: 100,000 yen + Certificate
Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award: 100,000 
yen + Certificate 
Special Award from Screening Committee:Right to receive advice from the 
Executive Committee for one year + Certificate

■Organizational structure
 Organized By: "Create 2030 by New Mobility" Executive Committee
Secretariat: Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles ( APEV )

□Sponsors: Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and 
Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, 
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Graduate School of Information 
Studies, University of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Japan 
Automobile Manufacturers Association 

□Screening Committee
Mr. Toshiya Ando: CEO of X-Style
Ms. Yuko Iida: Automobile critic, member of the Japan Automobile 
Journalist Association, and member of the Japan Car of the Year 
selection committee
Ms. Hiroko Matsumoto : Joshibi University of Art and Design, Director of 
the Institute, Vice President, Professor of the Department of Co-
Creative Design, Faculty of Art
Mr. Akihiro Yanaka: CEO of Lean Mobility Co.,Ltd
Mr. Yohei KAWADA: Automotive Environmental Strategy Planning Officer of 
Ministry of the Environment
Mr. Kuniharu TANABE: Director of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, 
Transport and Tourism 
Mr. Tomonobu SUGISAKI: Director of Ministry of Economy, Trade and 
Mr. Masanori SUZUKI: Chairperson of APEV
Mr. Nobuhiro TAJIMA: President of APEV

■Overall Schedule
Kickoff press conference        : February 4th
Pre-workshop (WS) (online)      : April 20th
Concept proposal deadline       : May 17th
Selection meeting               : May 29th
Workshop 1 (WS1) (real + online): June 29th
Workshop 2 (WS2) (real + online): August 24th
Final presentation and award ceremony (real + online): November 9th

■Calling for sponsors and supporters
We plan to continue holding this workshop in 2025, and are looking for 
sponsors and supporters. 
If you are interested, please contact the Executive Committee 
Secretariat listed below.

"Create 2030 by new Mobility " Executive Committee Secretariat
Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV) 
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 Fukutake Hall, Interfaculty 
Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
TEL: +81-50-3375-4937   E-MAIL : workshop@apev.jp  
Website: https://www.apev.jp/workshop.pdf

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from February 2025 listed from newest to oldest.

November 2024 is the previous archive.

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