To preserve the environment and realize self-sustainable society through promotion of electric vehicle use, Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV; Honorary Chairman Soichiro Fukutake, Chairman Hiroshi Yokokawa) formed the ‘Pikes Peak EV Challenge Committee’ and once again moves forward with the fifth year challenge as “TEAM APEV with MONSTER SPORT” at the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb in Colorado U.S.A. from June 20th through 26th of 2016.
The symbolic event will be held at the Pikes Peak Mountain in Rocky Mountains, Colorado USA. Staged in America’s scenic natural beauty, our project began in 2012 and we have continued to promote the importance of preserving the earth’s environment for the future and the popularization of electric vehicles.
Ever since the first competition held at the mountain in 1916, this year we celebrate its 100th anniversary of rich history and heritage. “TEAM APEV with MONSTER SPORT” aims for achieving a great result at the globally significant event by investing all experience and knowledge in demonstrating the advantage of electric vehicles.
We wish for your further support and cooperation to the project as we challenge the race and continue our many activities related to the promotion of environment preservation and proliferation of electric vehicles.